
logo1 - About

Exploring the subject of European football is one of the tasks we take on in Wisbech Town. Having years online writing the most highly anticipated articles about this subject, offering a total coverage and professionalism that are praised by all the loyal readers who check Wisbech Town each day to find new interesting content.

Being created by me, Jake Ford, the vision that I had in mind for Wisbech Town was that of a website which could deliver the most engaging content that surrounds football. Being more specific, here in Wisbech we cover mostly European football.

Since the UEFA Champions League is one of the most followed sports events, Wisbech Town is dedicated to write about its latest news. We also write about the latest scores and the most anticipated matches.

Writing about football fills me and the Wisbech Town team with a lot of joy, since we are fans of this sport as well. We work with something that we love, and we show that in each article we post. We’re passionate about giving the best content possible for our readers.

That’s why we take the liberty of writing about the latest matches and we give a professional opinion about a championship’s current state or about European football in general. We always add a unique quality to our articles, which has proven to be successful amongst our readers.

Because of that, Wisbech Town is a remarkable website focused football, offering news coverage and follow-up articles about the most interesting events in this sport.